
Gem Version


$ gem install balboa


A good way to start is:

$ balboa -h

Let's suppose you just want to punch (it will punch from the day after the last punch until it can not punch anymore):

$ balboa punch

Let's suppose you want to skip 11/11/2011, 12/12/2012 and 13/12/2012 (it will skip weekends and ask for punch on holidays):

$ balboa punch -s '11/11/2011,12/12/2012,13/12/2012'

Let's suppose you will work for sometime in another project:

$ balboa punch -w 'Another Project'

Let's suppose you did not input your password (or changed it after setting balboa up) on the first run. You can either:

$ balboa reset # Or
$ balboa punch -p 'New Password'

Let's suppose you don't have phantomjs on your machine. Balboa doesn't care, it will install it for you. Just punch normally.

$ balboa punch

Let's suppose you don't understand what those |number| means. It is the calculated default schedule. Just press enter and Balboa will fill it up for you.

First shift: |8| 

Lunch: |12| 

Second shift: |13| 

Leave: |18| 

Let's suppose your schedule is different from the default. Balboa will help you out.

First shift: |8| 10

Lunch: |14| 15

Second shift: |16|

Leave: |19|


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/balboa. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.