
Gem Version CircleCISupport

Tool to create ELB load balancers with a target group and listener. It's performs similar steps to this AWS Tutorial: Create an Application Load Balancer Using the AWS CLI


Quick start to creating and destroying a load balancer.

cd project
balancer init --vpc-id vpc-123 --subnets subnet-123 subnet-456 --security-groups sg-123
# edit .balancer/profiles/default.yml to fit your needs
balancer create my-elb
balancer destroy my-elb


Balancer has a concept of profiles. Profiles have preconfigured settings like subnets and vpc_id. The params in the profiles are passed to the ruby aws-sdk api calls create_load_balancer, create_target_group, and create_listener:

  subnets: # at least 2 subnets groups required
    - subnet-123
    - subnet-345
  security_groups: # optional thanks to the automatically created security group by balancer
    - sg-123 # additional security groups to use
  # vpc_id is required
  vpc_id: vpc-123
  # name: ... # automatically named, matches the load balancer name. override here
  protocol: HTTP # required
  port: 80 # required
  protocol: HTTP # required
  port: 80 # required, this is is the port that gets open on the security group

Security Groups

Balancer automatically creates a security group with the same name as the elb and opens up the port configured on the listener. To disable this behavior, use the --no-security-group optional. If you use this option, you must specify you own security group in the profile file, since at least 1 security group is required. By default, the security group opens up If you want to override this use --sg-cdir, example:

balancer create my-elb --sg-cdir

When you destroy the ELB like so:

balancer destroy my-elb

Balancer also attempts to destroy the security group if:

  • The security group is tagged with the balancer=my-elb tag. Balancer automatically adds this tag when creating the ELB.
  • There are no dependencies on the security group. If there are dependencies the ELB is deleted but the security group is left behind for you to clean up.


gem install balancer


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