
A simple way to run chef recipes on one server.


gem install baker --source --no-ri --no-rdoc # sudo if you need to


I. setup ssh key

Set up your ssh key on the server so you can login into the box without a password. The gem only supports logging in via a .ssh/config shortcut. Your .ssh/config should look something like this:

Host server_name Hostname Port 22
User root

II. install chef

Can install chef with baker itself.

$ bake --setup server_name

III. run chef recipes

Create a cookbooks project. Here's an example of a cookbooks project structure:

├── config
   ├── node.json
   └── solo.rb
└── cookbooks
    ├── example_recipe1
        └── recipes
            └── default.rb
    └── example_recipe2
        └── recipes
            └── default.rb

config/node.json and config/solo.rb are important. These are the configurations that get passed to the chef run that will tell it which recipes to run.

config/solo.rb looks like this:

file_cache_path "/tmp/baker"
cookbook_path "/tmp/baker/recipes/cookbooks"

config/node.json looks like this:

  "ec2": true,
  "environment": {"name":"production"},
    {"name": "git-core"},
    {"name": "curl"}
    {"name": "rails", "version": "3.0.3"},
    {"name": "bundler"}

To actually run the chef recipes, cd into the cookbooks project folder and run this command:

$ bake server_name

After running chef you should check the /var/log/baker.chef.log on the server itself for possible errors.