
This Rails gem provide javascript form helper based on Rails principle like 'f.text_field :name'. For each helper exist template so you can create your own template for each of them (eg. /templates/text_field). Now are templates created in Twitter bootstrap style.

This is still alpha.


External dependencies:

  • underscore.js
  • sass-rails
  • coffee-rails for assets (now js are written in .coffee)

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'backbone_form_helper'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install backbone_form_helper

Run this from command line:

$ rails g backbone_form_helper:copy

This will copy scss/css and coffee script files into your vendor/assets/javascripts(stylesheets) directory. If you set as argument different destination, it will be copied there (eg. 'app/assets/').

Add this line into your application.js:

//= require form_helper/form_helper

Add this line into your application.scss:

@import 'form_helper/form_helper';

Templates for fields are in directory 'javascripts/form_helper/templates' so you can change them by your needs. They are in eco templates.

Helper list

For now:

new FormHelper(model, options=optional)

f = new FormHelper @task -> take prefix for fields name from class name of model. If task is instance of class Task, then 'f.text_field :name' will generate name task[name]

f = new FormHelper @task, {name: 'issue'} -> 'f.text_field :name' will generate issue[name]

label(method, text=optional, html_options=optional)

Return tag of label. If model has error on this method class 'error' will be added.

f.label 'name'
# => <label for="task_name">Name</label>
f.label :name, 'Title'
# => <label for="task_name">Title</label>
f.label :name, {class: 'red bold'}
# => <label for="task_name" class="red bold">Name</label>

text_field(method, value=optional, html_options=optional)

Return text field with prefilled value from model if value isn't directly defined. Added class 'error' if model has error on method and show errors on method.

f.text_field 'name'
# => <input type="text" id="task_name" name="task[name]" value="#{ value}" />
# => <span class="help-inline">#{errors on name}</span>

f.text_field 'name', 'John'
# => <input type="text" id="task_name" name="task[name]" value="John" />
# => <span class="help-inline">#{errors on name}</span>

f.text_field 'name', {placeholder: 'name of person', class: 'mandatory'}
# => <input type="text" id="task_name" name="task[name]" placeholder="name of person" class="mandatory"/>
# => <span class="help-inline">#{errors on name}</span>

text_area(method, value=optional, html_options=optional)

Same as text_field but with textarea tag.

select(method, options, html_options=optional)

Return select tag with set options and selected option by value of method on model if value isn't set directly. 'group_id', {values:, (g) -> [g.get('_id'), g.get('name')])}, {class: 'mandatory'}
# => <select id="task_group_id" name="task[group_id]" class="mandatory">#{generated options}</option> 'group_id', {values:, (g) -> [g.get('_id'), g.get('name')]), value: '12'}
# => return select tag with selected option with value '12'


Similar as 'select', but is not relate to model (like in RoR)

f.select_tag 'only_group_id', {values:, (g) -> [g.get('_id'), g.get('name')]), value: '12'}
# => <select id="only_group_id" name="only_group_id" class="mandatory">#{generated options}</option>

check_box(method, value=optional, html_options=optional)

f.check_box 'is_done'
# =><label class="checkbox">
  <input id="task_is_done" name="task[is_done]" type="hidden" value="false">
  <input id="task_is_done" name="task[is_done]" type="checkbox"
    value="true" #{'checked' if method of model is 1 or true}>

f.check_box 'is_done', {title: 'Tick this for done'}
# =><label class="checkbox">
  <input id="task_is_done" name="task[is_done]" type="hidden" value="false">
  <input id="task_is_done" name="task[is_done]" type="checkbox"
    value="true" #{'checked' if method of model is 1 or true}>
  Tick this for done


Return bootstrap-datepicker date field (see on

f.date_field 'date', class: 'text_field', placeholder: 'date'


<% form = new FormHelper @task %>
<%- form.check_box 'is_done', title: 'Is done' %>
<%- form.date_field 'date', class: 'text_field', placeholder: 'datum' %>
<%- form.text_area 'description', placeholder: 'ukol' %>
<%- 'group_id', values:, (g) -> [g.get('_id'), g.get('name')]) %>
<%- 'user_id', values:, (g) -> [g.get('_id'), g.get('name')]) %>

Value and errors are taken from model automaticly how Rails do it and shown in template (eg. text_field template):

<input type="text" id="<%= @field_id %>" <%- @unfold_options %> name="<%= @field_name %>" value="<%= @value %>" />
<span class="help-inline">
<%= @errors if @errors %>

so after render when model has error on name (model.errors['name'] or model.get('errors')['name']) it looks like:

<input type="text" id="task_name" placeholder="ukol" class="error" name="task[name]" value="">
<span class="help-inline">
can't be blank


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request