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Babelish : Chaotically confused, like Babel

Originally created to deal with localizedStrings files (aka CSV-to-iOS-Localizable.strings-converter), this command tool now converts a csv file of translations into the below file formats and vice-versa: * .strings (iOS) * .xml (Android) * .json * .php

It can also fetch the csv file from GoogleDrive.


gem install babelish

Requires Ruby 1.9.2 or above.


``` › babelish help Commands: babelish android2csv -i, –filenames=one two three # Convert .xml files to CSV file babelish csv2android –filename=FILENAME -L, –langs=key:value # Convert CSV file to .xml babelish csv2json –filename=FILENAME -L, –langs=key:value # Convert CSV file to .json babelish csv2php –filename=FILENAME -L, –langs=key:value # Convert CSV file to .php babelish csv2strings –filename=FILENAME -L, –langs=key:value # Convert CSV file to .strings babelish csv_download –gd-filename=GD_FILENAME # Download Google Spreadsheet containing translations babelish help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command babelish json2csv -i, –filenames=one two three # Convert .json files to CSV file babelish php2csv -i, –filenames=one two three # Convert .php files to CSV file babelish strings2csv -i, –filenames=one two three # Convert .strings files to CSV file babelish version # Display current version

Options: [–verbose], [–no-verbose] ```

You can use a configuration file to hold all your commandline arguments into a file. Place a .babelish file (YAML) in your repo where you will run the command. See .babelish.sample file in the doc folder. as the possible values.

For previous CSV-to-iOS-Localizable.strings-converter, rename your .csvconverter into .babelish.


Want to add another support for a new format or/and usage? Add a new feature? Fix a bug?

Just create a pull request with a branch like feature/<nameofbranch> or hotfix/<nameofbranch>.


Run bundle install to install all the dependencies. Tests are done with Test::Unit so run rake test to run all the test suite.

Todo & Known issues

See GitHub issues