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Simple command-line tool for some useful tasks for AWS EC2, S3 and CloudFormation.


gem install awshark


Use AWS_PROFILE=PROFILE and/or AWS_REGION=REGION to configure the internal AWS clients.

S3 commands

List all S3 buckets with number of objects and total size. (Data depends on AWS Cloudwatch Metrics so there is a time difference to the actual data.)

awshark s3 list

List all objects in a specific S3 bucket.

awshark s3 objects BUCKET_NAME fonts/

EC2 commands

List all EC2 instances in a region.

awshark ec2 list

ECS commands

List all ECS services in a region.

awshark ecs list

Cloud Formation commands

Display changes to AWS Cloud Formation stack.

awshark cf diff TEMPLATE_PATH --stage=STAGE --format=json|yaml

Update or create AWS Cloud Formation stack.

awshark cf deploy TEMPLATE_PATH --stage=STAGE --format=json|yaml

Save AWS Cloud Formation stack as file STACK_NAME-STAGE.json.

awshark cf save TEMPLATE_PATH --stage=STAGE

For a further information visit the Wiki.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


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