
You'll need the FlagShihTzu plugin installed.

plugin install git://

Then set that up how you like. FlagShihTzu

Then get the awesome_flags gem.

gem 'awesome_flags'

AwesomeFlags outputs the keys used in FlagShihTzu columns as an Array of :symbols.

Just require AwesomeFlags in your model. Don't forget to install the FlagShihTzu plugin and add that as well.

include FlagShihTzu
include AwesomeFlags

Call all active flags for a variable, or add a column name to filter.


Using the all_flags method will return all flags (filtered by column or not).


You can also send either method to a block to output formatted flags.
This can be handy to do things like generate check boxes dynamically. For example

- @form.all_flags.each do |flag|
  = check_box flag, :class => 'check_box'
  = label :flags, "#{flag.to_s.titleize}"

Copyright (c) 2011 Gabe Kessler. See LICENSE.txt for further details.