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Avromatic generates Ruby models from Avro schemas and provides utilities to encode and decode them.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'avromatic'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install avromatic



Avromatic supports the following configuration:

Model Generation

  • schema_store: A schema store is required to load Avro schemas from the filesystem. It should be an object that responds to find(name, namespace = nil) and returns an Avro::Schema object. An AvroTurf::SchemaStore can be used. The schema_store is unnecessary if models are generated directly from Avro::Schema objects. See Models.

Using a Schema Registry/Messaging API

The configuration options below are required when using a schema registry (see Confluent Schema Registry) and the Messaging API.

  • schema_registry: An AvroTurf::SchemaRegistry object used to store Avro schemas so that they can be referenced by id. Either schema_registry or registry_url must be configured.
  • registry_url: URL for the schema registry. Either schema_registry or registry_url must be configured.
  • messaging: An AvroTurf::Messaging object to be shared by all generated models. The build_messaging! method may be used to create a Messaging instance based on the other configuration values.
  • logger: The logger to use for the schema registry client.
  • Custom Types

Example using a schema registry:

Avromatic.configure do |config|
  config.schema_store = AvroTurf::SchemaStore.new(path: 'avro/schemas')
  config.registry_url = Rails.configuration.x.avro_schema_registry_url


Models are defined based on an Avro schema for a record.

The Avro schema can be specified by name and loaded using the schema store:

class MyModel
  include Avromatic::Model.build(schema_name :my_model)

Or an Avro::Schema object can be specified directly:

class MyModel
  include Avromatic::Model.build(schema: schema_object)

Models are generated as Virtus value objects. Virtus attributes are added for each field in the Avro schema including any default values defined in the schema. ActiveModel validations are used to define validations on certain types of fields (see below).

A model may be defined with both a key and a value schema:

class MyTopic
  include Avromatic::Model.build(value_schema_name: :topic_value,
                                 key_schema_name: :topic_key)

When key and value schemas are both specified, attributes are added to the model for the union of the fields in the two schemas.

A model can also be generated as an anonymous class that can be assigned to a constant:

MyModel = Avromatic::Model.model(schema_name :my_model)

Custom Types

Custom types can be configured for fields of named types (record, enum, fixed). These customizations are registered on the Avromatic module. Once a custom type is registered, it is used for all models with a schema that references that type. It is recommended to register types within a block passed to Avromatic.configure:

Avromatic.configure do |config|
  config.register_type('com.example.my_string', MyString)

The full name of the type and an optional class may be specified. When a class is provided then values for attributes of that type are defined using the specified class.

If the provided class responds to the class methods from_avro and to_avro then those methods are used to convert values when assigning to the model and before encoding using Avro respectively.

from_avro and to_avro methods may be also be specified as Procs when registering the type:

Avromatic.configure do |config|
  config.register_type('com.example.updown_string') do |type|
    type.from_avro = ->(value) { value.upcase }
    type.to_avro = ->(value) { value.downcase }

Nil handling is not required as the conversion methods are not be called if the inbound or outbound value is nil.

If a custom type is registered for a record-type field, then any to_avro method/Proc should return a Hash with string keys for encoding using Avro.

Encoding and Decoding

Avromatic provides two different interfaces for encoding the key (optional) and value associated with a model.

Manually Managed Schemas

The attributes for the value schema used to define a model can be encoded using:

encoded_value = model.avro_raw_value

In order to decode this data, a copy of the value schema is required.

If a model also has an Avro schema for a key, then the key attributes can be encoded using:

encoded_key = model.avro_raw_key

If attributes were encoded using the same schema(s) used to define a model, then the data can be decoded to create a new model instance:

MyModel.avro_raw_decode(key: encoded_key, value: encoded_value)

If the attributes where encoded using a different version of the model's schemas, then a new model instance can be created by also providing the schemas used to encode the data:

MyModel.avro_raw_decode(key: encoded_key,
                        key_schema: writers_key_schema,
                        value: encoded_value,
                        value_schema: writers_value_schema)

Messaging API

The other interface for encoding and decoding attributes uses the AvroTurf::Messaging API. This interface leverages a schema registry and prefixes the encoded data with an id to identify the schema. In this approach, a schema registry is used to ensure that the correct schemas are available during decoding.

The attributes for the value schema can be encoded with a schema id prefix using:

message_value = model.avro_message_value

If a model has an Avro schema for a key, then those attributes can also be encoded prefixed with a schema id:

message_key = model.avro_message_key

A model instance can be created from a key and value encoded in this manner:

MyTopic.avro_message_decode(message_key, message_value)

Or just a value if only one schema is used:



A stream of messages encoded from various models using the messaging approach can be decoded using Avromatic::Model::MessageDecoder. The decoder must be initialized with the list of models to decode:

decoder = Avromatic::Model::MessageDecoder.new(MyModel1, MyModel2)

decoder.decode(model1_messge_key, model1_message_value)
# => instance of MyModel1
# => instance of MyModel2


The following validations are supported:

  • The size of the value for a fixed type field.
  • The value for an enum type field is in the declared set of values.
  • Presence of a value for required fields.


The following types/features are not supported for generated models:

  • Generic union fields: The special case of an optional field, the union of :null and another type, is supported.
  • Reused models for nested records: Currently an anonymous model class is generated for each subrecord.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/salsify/avromatic.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.