
An Autoproj plugin to generate authorship/copyright statistics


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'autoproj-stats'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install autoproj-stats


The plugin can be accessed from the autoproj command line with

autoproj help stats

In its simplest form, it's going to compute authorship information for all supported VCS types in the autoproj installation, and display summary information at the end.

autoproj stats

The statistics can be saved in a text file with --save

autoproj stats --save=stats.txt

The first thing you may want to improve is sanitizing author name(s). This is done by providing a YAML config file with an 'aliases' section. The method is usually to comb through the list of names in the summary generated by autoproj stats and replace dummy names by actual ones.

    Name As Reported By Autoproj Stats: Actual Name

This config file (let's call it stats.yml) can then be passed to autoproj stats with the --config option

autoproj stats --config=stats.yml

Then, you probably want to add affiliation information (a.k.a. copyright assignation). The simplest is to provide an institution/copyright holder name per author name:

    Author Name: Company Name

However, some authors change affiliations over time, in which case you provide a list of company and start dates:

    Author Name:
    - [Company1, 2008-02-01]
    - [Company2, 2012-03-01]

Finally, you can provide per-package license information. No way to give fine-grained stuff there.

    package_name: License Name


After checking out the repo, run bundle install to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.