
Warden implementation for Sinatra


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'authstrategies'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install authstrategies


Authstrategies uses sinatra-activerecord as orm. There is currently no rake task to generate a migration for the user model, but you can use the following: (courtesy of device)

    def up
      create_table :users do |t|
        t.string :email,              :null => false, :defautl => ""
        t.string :encrypted_password, :null => false, :default => ""

        t.string  :remember_token
        t.boolean :remember_me


      add_index :users, :email,          :unique => true
      add_index :users, :remember_token, :unique => true

After that your application should be configurad similarly to the following:

    require 'authstrategies'

    class YourApp < Sinatra::Application
      use Rack::Session::Cookie, {
        :secret => 'such secret many secure wow',
        :expire_after => 3600
      use Rack::Flash
      use Authstrategies::Middleware

The expire after for Rack::Session::Cookie is optional, but I set it, because some modern browsers will not delete session cookies after the user closes his browser like you would normally expect. This may pose a security thread if your users log in from a public computer.

If you want to use the helpers provided with authstrategies put:

require 'authstrategies/helpers'
helpers Authstrategies::Helpers

in your code.



To authenticate a user call


To check if a user is authenticated


To get the currently logged in user


To logout the user

returns the login path as a string


returns the logout path as a string

returns the signup path as a string



This is called every time the user is set. The user is set: on each request when they are accessed for the first time via env['warden'].user when the user is initially authenticated when the user is set via the set_user method Courtesy of Warden, for more information check the warden callbacks wiki


Executed every time the user is authenticated (first time in each session). Courtesy of Warden, for more information check the warden callbacks wiki.

This callback is run right before the failure application is called. Courtesy of Warden, for more information check the warden callbacks wiki.

This is called in the failure application. 2 params are passed to this callback request - the request data response - the response data


This callback is run before each user is logged out. Courtesy of Warden, for more information check the warden callbacks wiki.


This is called after the user is logged out. 2 parameters are passed to this callback request - the request data response - the response data

This is called each time after the user logs in 3 parameters are passed to this callback current_user - the user that hase just been set request - the request data response - the response data

This is called after the user is saved into the database. 3 parameters are passed to this callback user - the user that just signed up request - the request data response - the response data Also since the user is set to session via env['warden'].set_user after_set_user is also called after the user signs up


You can cofigure authstrategies throug:

    Authstrategies::Manager.config do |config|
     config[:after_login_path] = '/' #sets a path to redirect the user after logging in
     config[:after_login_msg] = 'Successfully logged in!' #sets a message to give to the user after he logs in

     config[:after_logout_path] = '/' #sets a path to redirect the user after logging out
     config[:after_logout_msg] = 'Successfully logged out!' #sets a message to give to the user after he logs out

     config[:after_signup_path] = '/' #sets a path to redirect the user after he signs up
     config[:after_signup_msg] = 'Successfully signed up!' #sets a message to give to the user after he signs up


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request