#=GCal4Ruby # #==Introduction #GCal4Ruby is a full featured wrapper for the google calendar API. GCal4Ruby implements #all of the functionality available through the Google Calnedar API, including permissions, #attendees, reminders and event recurrence.

# #==Author and Contact Information #GCal4Ruby was created and is maintained by Mike Reich #and is licenses under the LGPL v3. Feel free to use and update, but be sure to contribute your #code back to the project and attribute as required by the license. You can find the text of the LGPL #here: www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html. # #===Website #cookingandcoding.com/gcal4ruby/ # #==Description #GCal4Ruby has three major components: the service, calendar and event objects. Each service #has many calendars, which in turn have many events. Each service is the representation of a #google account, and thus must be successfully authenticated using valid Google Calendar #account credentials.

# #==Examples #Below are some common usage examples. For more examples, check the documentation. #===Service #1. Authenticate # service = Service.new # service.authenticate(“[email protected]”, “password”) # #2. Get Calendar List # calendars = service.calendars # #===Calendar #All usages assume a successfully authenticated Service. #1. Create a new Calendar # cal = Calendar.new(service) # #2. Find a calendar by ID # cal = Calendar.find(service, => cal_id) # #3. Get all calendar events # cal = Calendar.find(service, => cal_id) # events = cal.events # #4. Find an existing calendar by title # cal = Calendar.find(service, => “New Calendar”) # #5. Find all calendars containing a search term # cal = Calendar.find(service, “Soccer Team”) #===Event #All usages assume a successfully authenticated Service and valid Calendar. #1. Create a new Event # event = Event.new(service, => cal, :title => “Soccer Game”, :start => Time.parse(“12-06-2009 at 12:30 PM”), :end => Time.parse(“12-06-2009 at 1:30 PM”), :where => “Merry Playfields”) # event.save # #2. Find an existing Event by title # event = Event.find(service, => “Soccer Game”) # #3. Find an existing Event by ID # event = Event.find(service, => event.id) # #4. Find all events containing the search term # event = Event.find(service, “Soccer Game”) # #5. Find all events on a calendar containing the search term # event = Event.find(service, “Soccer Game”, => cal.id) # #6. Find events within a date range # event = Event.find(service, “Soccer Game”, => Time.parse(“01/01/2010”).utc.xmlschema, ‘start-max’ => Time.parse(“06/01/2010”).utc.xmlschema) # #7. Create a recurring event for every saturday # event = Event.new(service) # event.title = “Baseball Game” # event.calendar = cal # event.where = “Municipal Stadium” # event.recurrence = Recurrence.new # event.recurrence.start_time = Time.parse(“06/20/2009 at 4:30 PM”) # event.recurrence.end_time = Time.parse(“06/20/2009 at 6:30 PM”) # event.recurrence.frequency = => [“SA”] # event.save # #8. Create an event with a 15 minute email reminder # event = Event.new(service) # event.calendar = cal # event.title = “Dinner with Kate” # event.start_time = Time.parse(“06/20/2009 at 5 pm”) # event.end_time = Time.parse(“06/20/2009 at 8 pm”) # event.where = “Luigi’s” # event.reminder = => 15, :method => ‘email’ # event.save # #9. Create an event with attendees # event = Event.new(service) # event.calendar = cal # event.title = “Dinner with Kate” # event.start_time = Time.parse(“06/20/2009 at 5 pm”) # event.end_time = Time.parse(“06/20/2009 at 8 pm”) # event.attendees => => “Kate”, :email => “[email protected]” # event.save