--~~ Prowl ~~--

Ruby wrapper for http://prowl.weks.net/.
Written by August Lilleaas (http://august.lilleaas.net/).

--~~ Installation ~~--

   gem install prowl


   gem install augustl-prowl --source=http://gems.github.com/

Code available here: http://github.com/augustl/ruby-prowl/tree

--~~ About ~~--

Prowl rocks! It's a webapp and a iPhone app that works
together and lets you send push notifications via HTTP
to any iPhone that has the prowl app installed.

       :application => "World Saving Project Manager",
       :event => "Canceled",
       :description => "It sucked, so I canceled it. Sorry :(",
       :apikey => "abc123def456"

 The user has given you its API key. That lets you
 send push notifications to the users iPhone, through
 the Prowl iPhone app.

 --~~ Usage ~~--

 Three required parameters:


 Other than that, you're free to choose from any of these
 highly convenient methods.

 Prowl.send({:apikey => "...", ...})
 Prowl.send({:username => "...", :password => "...", ...})

 p = Prowl.new("username", "password")

 p = Prowl.new("apikey123abc")