
Augment an ActiveRecord class by including additional ActiveRecord classes

The Augmentor gem allows an ActiveRecord class to inherit all attributes and methods from one or more other ActiveRecord classes, including those provided by ActiveRecord such as getters and setters, as local.

This allows you to effectively span the data stored for an ActiveRecord class across multiple table without using ActiveRecord relations to get or set the data. To ensure best performance, data


the following gems are required

gem 'rails', '>= 3.2'


install manually

gem install augmentor

or add it to your Gemfile

gem 'augmentor'


Update Database

create migration to add augmentor associations field to an existing class

rails generate augmentor:augment user person
rake db:migrate

or create migration to add augmentor associations field to a new class

rails generate model person first_name:string, last_name:string, user:augment
rake db:migrate

Update Models

include in the augmented class

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  augmented_by :person


include in the augmenting class

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  augment :user


augmentor associations accepts many ActiveRecord association options, but will only associate one level deep and can not use :through

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  augmented_by :individual, class_name: :person, inverse_of: :user
