Attribute Cartographer


Attribute Cartographer allows you to map an attributes hash into similarly or differently named methods, using an optional lambda to map the values as well.


Add attribute-cartographer to your Gemfile

gem 'attribute-cartographer'

Then run:

$ bundle


class Mapper
  include AttributeCartographer

  map :a
  map :b, ->(v) { v.downcase }
  map :O, ->(k,v) { [k.downcase, v.downcase] } # You must return a 2-arg array

  map :c, :d
  map :e, :f, ->(v) { v.downcase }
  map :g, :h, ->(v) { v.downcase }, ->(v) { v.upcase }

  map [:i, :j, :k]
  map [:l, :m, :n], ->(v) { v.upcase }
  map [:P, :Q, :R], ->(k,v) { [k.downcase, v.downcase] } # You must return a 2-arg array
end 2, b: "STRING")

For each mapping defined, an instance method is created that returns the mapped
value. This can be mapped directly, with a lambda to map the value or key and
value, with an explicit key mapping and lambda value mapping (with an optional
reverse-value map lambda), with a directly-mapped array, a directly-mapped array
with value mapping, or with an array with keys and values mapped with lambdas.

Mapper#original_attributes is the original hash passed in
Mapper#mapped_attributes is a hash representing the mapped keys and their mapped values


  • Ruby 1.9.x