
A really simple file attachment plugin for Rails 3. Designed to work with any generic files, i.e not specific to images. It will not do any magical processing for you, it just stores the data in the database. Write your own magic.


Add the following fields to your table:

add_column :medias, :file_name, :string add_column :medias, :file_type, :string add_column :medias, :file_size, :integer add_column :medias, :file_data, :binary, :limit => 2.megabytes

In your model: class Media < ActiveRecord::Base



In a controller that should be able to view the result: class MediasController < ApplicationController

def show
  @media = Media(params[:id])
  send_data @media.file_contents, :filename => @media.file_name, :type => @media.file_type, :disposition => 'inline'


To upload, just set the form field to :file AND remember the multipart => true bit like shown: <% form_for(@media, :html => { :multipart => true }) do |f| %>

<%= f.file_field :file %>
....more stuff....

In theory you can change the prefix from “file” to anything by setting the file_prefix option in the model, but I haven’t tested it.

Copyright © 2010 Brian Michalski, released under the MIT license