Atlassian Stash Command Line Tools

Build Status

Installing this tool

This command line helper for Stash is written in Ruby and is deployed as a Ruby Gem. Installation is easy, simply run the following command

$> gem install atlassian-stash

(Protip: you might need to sudo)

Once the gem is installed, the command stash will be in your $PATH

Configuration and usage

Run stash configure. This will prompt for details about your Stash instance. If no password is provided, then you will be prompted for a password when executing commands to Stash.

The global configuration file lives at $HOME/.stashconfig.yml and any options in a similarly named .stashconfig.yml file in the root of a git repository will take precedence.


There are currently two ways to store your password in the configuration file. You may store it as plain text with the key password, for example:

password: s3cre7

Or you may store a command string with the passwordeval key which allows you to use any encrypted method you like in order to store your password. For example, if using gpg:

passwordeval: gpg --no-tty --quiet --decrypt ~/.secret.gpg

The stash configure utility will not prompt you for this. If you wish to use passwordeval, omit a password during the configuration and add it to ~/.stashconfig.yml afterwards.

Creating a pull request

Use the pull-request command to create a pull request in Stash. For example:

$> stash pull-request topicBranch master @michael
Create a pull request from branch 'topicBranch' into 'master' with 'michael' added as a reviewer

See the usage for command details

$> stash help pull-request

Opening the Stash web UI

Use the browse command to open the Stash UI for your repository in the browser.

$> stash browse -b develop
Open the browser at the Stash repository page for the branch 'develop'

For more options, see the help

stash help browse

Configuration options

Running stash configure will prepopulate ~/.stashconfig.yml with a variety of options. Complete options are:

username: seb # username to connect to stash server.
password: s3cr3t # password for user. If ommitted, you will be prompted at the terminal when making a request to Stash
stash_url: # fully qualified stash url
remote: upstream # Pull requests will be created in the Stash repository specified by this remote
open: true # opens newly created pull requests in the browser
ssl_no_verify: true # do not check ssl certificates for the configured stash server


Q: I installed the gem, but the stash command doesn't work.
A: Do you have another command called stash or do you have an alias? Have a look where the command maps to

$> which -a stash

Then check the value of your $PATH

I want to contribute

Thanks! Please fork this project and create a pull request to submit changes back to the original project.

Build instructions

Building this gem is easy. To get started, run the following commands:

$> gem install bundler
$> bundle install

Now start hacking, and run the stash command by invoking ./bin/stash command



$> rake test


Bumping versions

Use rake version:

version             -- displays the current version
version:bump:major  -- bump the major version by 1
version:bump:minor  -- bump the a minor version by 1
version:bump:patch  -- bump the patch version by 1
version:write       -- writes out an explicit version


$> rake release