Aspose Cloud SDK for Ruby Repository

This repository contains Aspose Cloud SDK for Ruby source code. This SDK allows you to work with Aspose REST API in your Ruby applications quickly and easily.

What's included in this SDK repository?


Module Description
Common This module provides the features commonly used by other sections of the SDK.
Storage This module provides the features to work with Aspose storage.
Pdf This module provides the features to manipulate PDF files using Aspose.Cloud.Pdf.
Words This module provides the features to manipulate Word files using Aspose.Cloud.Words.
Cells This module provides the features to manipulate Excel files using Aspose.Cloud.Cells.
Slides This module provides the features to manipulate Powerpoint files using Aspose.Cloud.Slides.
BarCode This module provides the features to manipulate bar codes using Aspose.Cloud.BarCode.


In order to manipulate any files, you first need to upload them to the Aspose storage using Storage module.


The Aspose Cloud SDK for Ruby allows you to save the output files at your specified location.

Help Material

You may get help regarding Aspose API or Aspose Cloud SDK for Ruby on

How to use Aspose Cloud SDK for Ruby?

Aspose for Cloud products: