Aspose.BarCode Cloud SDK For Ruby

This SDK lets you use Aspose Cloud Barcode APIs in your Ruby web apps.

How to use the SDK?

The complete source code is available in this repository folder, you can either directly use it in your project or use RubyGems. For more details, please visit our documentation website.


APIs of this SDK can be called as follows:

require 'aspose_barcode_cloud'

class BarcodeUsage

  include AsposeBarcodeCloud
  include AsposeStorageCloud

  def initialize
    #Get App key and App SID from
    AsposeApp.app_key_and_sid("APP_KEY", "APP_SID")
    @barcode_api =  

  def get_barcode_generate
    #Generate barcode.
    opts = {text: "Dairy Products", type: "qr", format: "png"}
    response = @barcode_api.get_barcode_generate(opts)


Unit Tests

Aspose Barcode SDK includes a suite of unit tests within the test subdirectory. These Unit Tests also serves as examples of how to use the Aspose Barcode SDK.

Contact Us

Your feedback is very important to us. Please feel free to contact us using our Support Forums.