Artsy Authentication Build Status

Ruby Gem for adding Artsy's omniauth based authentication to your app.


Add following line to your Gemfile.

gem 'artsy-auth'


Artsy Auth is based on Rails::Engine.


Add artsy_auth.rb under config/initializers. We need to configure ArtsyAuth to use proper Artsy application_id and application_secret. Also it needs artsy_api_url which will be used to redirect sign_in and sign_out to proper location. callback_url defines after a successful omniauth handshake, where should we get redirected to.

# config/initalizers/artsy_auth.rb
ArtsyAuth.configure do |config|
  config.artsy_api_url = '' # required
  config.callback_url = '/admin' # optional
  config.application_id = '321322131' # required
  config.application_secret = '123123asdasd' # required

You also need to mount session related endpoints to your app, in your config/routes.rb. Add following line to your current routes.

# config/routes.rb
mount ArtsyAuth::Engine => '/'

In order to force authentication, you need to include 'ArtsyAuth::Authenticated' in your controller, you also need to add (override) authorized_artsy_token? method there which gets a token and in your app you need to define how do you authorize that token, for example:

class ApplicationController < ArtsyAuth::ApplicationController
  # Prevent CSRF attacks by raising an exception.
  protect_from_forgery with: :exception

  # This will make sure calls to this controller have proper session data
  # if they don't it will redirect them to oauth url and once authenticated
  # on successful authentication we'll call authorized_artsy_token
  include ArtsyAuth::Authenticated

  # override application to decode token and allow only users with `tester` role
  def authorized_artsy_token?(token)
    decoded_token, _headers = JWT.decode(token, 'some-secret')
    decoded_token['roles'].include? 'tester'

Update From Version < 0.1.7

In previous versions you would change your ApplicationController to inherit from ArtsyAuth::ApplicationController, with versions > 0.1.7 you need to include ArtsyAuth::Authenticated like the example above.


  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix with tests.
  • Update CHANGELOG.
  • Send a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.