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ark-cli is a Ruby library for handling command line options and arguments. See below for basic usage. Full documentation can be found at

Declaring an interface

The usual way to use ark-cli is to call This convenience method builds a new interface and returns a Report object for inspection.

require 'ark/cli'

# Declare an interface and parse the command line
# Returns a Report instance for inspection as `r`
r = do |s| 'example'
  s.args 'host', 'path'
  s.desc "An example demonstrating usage of ark-cli"

  s.opt :verbose, :v,
  desc: "Increase verbosity"

  s.opt :port, :p,
  args: 'number',
  desc: "Specify an alternate port number"

r.args       # Get all arguments received, including trailing args
r.arg(:host) # Get the value of the `host` argument
r.opt(:port) # Get the value of the `port` option
r.count(:v)  # Get the number of times an option was toggled

The method yields a Spec instance, which we'll call s. Calls to this instance will define how the command line is parsed. The online usage information will also be generated from this spec.

s has four important methods:

Name and description

The name method sets the name of the program to use in usage information. It expects a string. This should probably be the same as the name of the executable.

The desc method sets a description of the program for generating usage information. It expects a string. 'example'
s.desc "An example demonstrating usage of ark-cli"

Declaring arguments

The args method defines what arguments the program will expect.

Declaring two named, expected arguments:

s.args 'host', 'port'

Declare defaults with a colon after the argument name, like 'host:localhost'. Arguments with default values are optional - no error will be raised if they aren't given.

s.args 'file:/tmp/foo'
s.args 'host', 'port:22', "user:#{ENV['USER']}"

Declaring a variadic interface with a glob, 'dest...'

s.args 'target', 'dest...'

Declaring options

The opt method defines options.

Flags are simple options without arguments:

s.opt :verbose, :v,
  desc: "Increase verbosity"

Flags are false by default and set true when given on the command line. A count is kept of the number of times the flag was specified, and stored in the report as r.count. The desc field is used to generate usage information.

Options can also take arguments:

s.opt :port, :p,
  args: 'number',
  desc: "Specify an alternate port number"

Inspecting the Report object

The Ark::CLI#report method returns a Report instance which we can inspect for information parsed from the command line.

Supposing r is a returned Report instance, we can get all arguments with the r.args method. This will include any trailing arguments.

host, path = r.args

Get the value of a named argument with the r.arg method:

host = r.arg(:host)
path = r.arg(:path)

Inspect the value of an option with r.opt:

verbose = r.opt(:v)
port = r.opt(:port)

Get a count of the number of times a flag was specified with r.count:

verbosity = r.count(:verbose)

Get an array of trailing arguments with r.trailing:

path1, path2 = r.trailing

Usage information

A help option is defined for all interfaces with the -h and --help flags. When the help option is given, the program will print usage information and exit immediately. Usage information is constructed from the Spec built during the CLI declaration.

Usage information for the above declaration would look like this:

example [-p --port NUMBER] [-v --verbose] [-h --help] HOST PATH

    An example demonstrating usage of ark-cli


    -h --help
        Print usage information

    -v --verbose
        Increase verbosity

    -p --port NUMBER
        Specify an alternate port number

Example script

A working example script with comments can be found at example/hello.rb -- invoke the script with the --help option for usage information.