ARGUS Ruby Client

This is the official Ruby library for the ARGUS Engine, this library helps Ruby developers and applications seamlessly integrate to the ARGUS Engine, authentication and event listening.

Install via Gem

    gem install argus-ruby

You can use Bundler to add Argus Ruby to your project

    bundle add 'argus-ruby'

Usage -

   require 'argus'

Have a class to define the fucntion to be called when you receive an Argus Event

    class Testsub
        def on_event(argus_event)
            puts "#{argus_event.Action}"
            puts "#{argus_event.ActionDescription}"
            puts "#{argus_event.Name}"
            puts "#{argus_event.Timestamp}"

Finally use argus like so,

    subscriber =

    argus ="testuser", "testpassword") // Optionally you can pass the host and port, and auth credentials inclusive.

    argus.subscribe(subscriber, :on_event)