
A Ruby library and command-line tool accessing data from the Argos tracking system.

argos-soap (webservice client)

$ argos-soap –operations json ["getCsv","getStreamXml","getKml","getXml","getXsd","getPlatformList","getObsCsv","getObsXml"] All programs Data from all programs and all platforms are fetched by default

$ argos-soap –operation=getXml > getXml.xml

$ argos-soap –operation=getXml –format=json > getXml.json

$ argos-soap –operation=getKml > getKml.xml

$ argos-soap –operation=getCsv –format=text > getCsv.csv

Select program(s) argos-soap –operation getXml –programNumber 9660

Select platformId(s) $ argos-soap –operation getXml –platformId 81308

Authentication Either set your credentials on the command line $ argos-soap –operation=getPlatformList –username=myusername –password=mypassword Or set environmental variables ARGOS_SOAP_USERNAME and ARGOS_SOAP_PASSWORD

Argos file parsing

### DS/DIAG to JSON $ #


argos-ruby was developed to parse Argos satellite tracking data text files collected by the [Norwegian Polar Institute] ( since 1989. Be warned, the Argos text file formats have changed over time. No promises are made that the library will work outside of Norway :).

Currently, the library parses Argos DS/DIAG files dating from August 1990 and onwards.


$ gem install argos-ruby