Arduino Build Notifier

A Continuous Integration Server Monitor made it over an Arduino board


At this moment this only works with Cruise Control servers


  1. Install the ruby gem

    gem install arduino_build_notifier
  2. Wire your Arduino (Picks later)

    • Success led: pin 13
    • Failure led: pin 12
    • Building led: pin 11
    • Error led: pin 10
  3. Plug the Arduino board to the computer

  4. If you don't have your arduino ready to work with ruby, follow the dino gem instructions

  5. run the command ard-notifier

    Usage: ard-notifier --server 'http://...' --project foo --user foo --password bar
    -s, --server SERVER              CI server URL
    -j, --project PROJECT            Project name
    -u, --user USER                  CI server username
    -p, --password PASS              CI server password
    -t, --time [TIME]                Request frequency (secs)
    -h, --help                       Show this message