
Behave similar to ActiveRecord counter cache but it will put the counter on separate table.

note: Only works with MySQL database

== Example

You need to create a stats table for the model that you want to count.

=== Model :

class Driver < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :cars has_stats_for :cars end

class Car < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :driver stats_to :driver end

=== Migration :

create_table :drivers, :force => true do |t| t.string :name

create_table :cars, :force => true do |t| t.string :brand
t.integer :driver_id

create_table :driver_stats, :force => true do |t| t.integer :driver_id t.integer :cars_count, :default => 0 end

# unique index must be created for MySQL ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE to work add_index :driver_stats, :driver_id, :unique => true

=== Create stats records for existing model

rake rebuild_counter_cached MODEL=Driver

== How to use
