
Basically there are 2 levels of configuration:

1) application wide which is configured in config/application.yml 2) environment specific which is configured in config/environments/application-#RAILS_ENV.yml

The environment specific configs override the applicaiton wide config


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Then if for example in your config/application.yml you had:


And in your config/environments/application-production.yml you had:


you could in your code do:

ApplicationConfig::Base.to_s or ApplicationConfig::Base.mail_host.to_s

At the moment you really need the to_s on the end.

Also, if you want to do a nil check you need to put the applicaiton config on the LHS:

if ApplicationConfig::Base.mail_host == nil

Because of the way it’s working.

For testing, first:

require ‘application_config_test_ext’

in your test_helper

And then before any test you want to alter the config for:

ApplicationConfig::Base.add( <<EOF mail_host: test_mail_host EOF )

Which will change the config for that test and then rollback to what it was before the test. This allows you to test behavior off of the singleton config object.

Copyright © 2009 [name of plugin creator], released under the MIT license