

This gem extends the GraphQL Ruby gem to add support for sending trace data to Apollo Studio. It is intended to be a full-featured replacement for the unmaintained apollo-tracing-ruby gem, and it is built HEAVILY from the work done within the Gusto apollo-federation-ruby gem as well an exploratory branch created here.


This gem is still in a beta stage and may have some bugs or incompatibilities. See the Known Issues and Limitations below. If you run into any problems, please file an issue.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'apollo-studio-tracing'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install apollo-studio-tracing

Getting Started

  1. Add use ApolloStudioTracing to your schema class.
  2. Change your controller to add apollo_tracing_enabled: true to the execution context. Ensure that apollo_client_name and apollo_client_version are set as well, for proper client information in Studio:
   def execute
     # ...
     context = {
       apollo_client_name: request.headers["apollographql-client-name"],
       apollo_client_version: request.headers["apollographql-client-version"],
       apollo_tracing_enabled: Rails.env.production?,
     # ...

Updating the Apollo .proto definition

Install Google Protocol Buffers via Homebrew

$ brew install protobuf

Regenerate the Ruby protos with the included script:

$ bin/generate-proto.sh
Removing old client
Downloading latest Apollo Protobuf IDL
Generating Ruby client stubs

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Only works with class-based schemas, the legacy .define API will not be supported
