API Cake - Build Dynamic API Wrappers

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This gem allows you to easily build rich API wrappers with minimal code.

It is HTTParty with a Cake.


$ gem install apicake

Or with bundler:

gem 'apicake'


Turn this hypothetical API URL:


To this:

recipes = Recipes.new
recipes.cakes layers:3

Using this code only:

class Recipes < APICake::Base
  base_uri 'api.recipes.com'


  • Uses HTTParty
  • Built in caching
  • Built in save to file
  • Built in response parsing (part of HTTParty)
  • Built in convert and save to CSV
  • Designed for GET-only APIs (e.g., data services)


Create a class and inherit from APICake::Base.

This class automatically includes HTTParty, so you can do whatever you do in HTTParty. In addition, the APICake::Base class defines a method_missing method, so any call to an undefined method, will simply be converted to a URL.

For example:

class Recipes << APICake::Base
  base_uri 'api.recipes.com/v1'

recipes = Recipes.new

# This will access http://api.recipes.com/v1/cakes

# This will access http://api.recipes.com/v1/cakes/chocolate
recipes.cakes 'chocolate'

# This will access http://api.recipes.com/v1/cakes/chocolate?layers=3
recipes.cakes 'chocolate', layers: 3

See the Examples folder for more examples.


APICake uses Lightly for caching. By default, cached objects are stored in the ./cache directory for 3600 seconds.

See the caching example.

Method Reference

For a detailed explanation of the services and methods you get when inheriting from APICake::Base, see the class documentation.

Real World Examples

These gems use APICake: