
This project is intended to be mounte on an existing Rails Application.

The only precondition is that it requires a multithreaded rails server.


  • gem ‘thin’, ‘~> 1.6.1’

  • bundle install

  • Add to development.rb (or production.rb): config.thread_safe!

Create a file named ws_specification.json (or any name you desire) and place it on /lib.

As an example:

{ “methods”: [ { “name”: “Users index”, “url”: “v1/users”, “description”: “The index of users”, “method”: “GET”, “parameters”: [“API_TOKEN”] }, { “name”: “User login”, “url”: “v1/users/login”, “description”: “Users login”, “method”: “POST”, “parameters”: [“API_TOKEN”, “email”, “password”] } ] }

Create an initializer in /config/initializers/api_explorer.rb with the following content:

ApiExplorer::use_file = true ApiExplorer::json_path = ‘lib/ws_specification.json’

And finally mount the engine on config/routes.rb

mount ApiExplorer::Engine => “/api_explorer”

  • Start the server with “thin start –threaded”

Then go to localhost:3000/api_explorer