
Anything interface for github. Filter response of Github api with anything interface and open selected one in browser.

This has not uploaded to rubygems yet


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

ruby gem 'anything-hub'

And then execute:

sh $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

sh $ gem install anything-hub


Put config file.

ruby # in ~/.anything-hubrc AnythingHub.configure do |c| c.login "username" # github username c.token "token" # github oauth token. this is optional. (If you use in non-interactive env, I recommend to set this.) end

Now support starred and searching

sh $ anything-hub starred:ToQoz $ anything-hub search:rails

If you want to ignore cache

sh $ anything-hub starred:ToQoz --cache no

If you machine don’t have open command(OSX have it)

sh $ anything-hub starred:ToQoz --system_command xdg-open

If you want to do only cache

sh $ anything-hub cache:starred:ToQoz

If you get token for github api(e.g. for cron)

sh $ anything-hub token


Periodically cache. For example for the often searched keyword and your starred. If try it, I recommend to put token to your ~/anything-hubrc. You can get token by $ anything-hub token

sh $ crontab -e 05 12 * * * /Users/toqoz/.rbenv/shims/anything-hub cache:search:rails >> /tmp/anything-hub.cron.log 2>> /tmp/anything-hub.cron.error.log 05 1 * * * /Users/toqoz/.rbenv/shims/anything-hub cache:starred:ToQoz >> /tmp/anything-hub.cron.log 2>> /tmp/anything-hub.cron.error.log


```sh ✘╹◡╹✘ $ anyting-hub –help $ anything-hub COMMANDS [OPTIONS]

available COMMANDS are starred:USER_NAME search:SEARCH_KEYWORD

-s, --system_command      system command name. eg. xdg-open, open (default is open)
-c, --cache               use cache. yes or no. (default is yes)
-h, --help                Display this help message. ```


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request