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Analytics Rails

Adds a helper to create the google analytics script in rails.


I did this gem to:

  • Have a simple but versatile way to include google analytics.


Put this line in your Gemfile:

gem 'analytics-rails'

Then bundle:

$ bundle


Include tag must be added before any other tag in order to work and only will be shown in production.


In your layout add a line like this in your head:

<%= google_analytics_include_tag 'UA-000000-01' %>

You can add metrics if you want:

<%= google_analytics_include_tag 'UA-000000-01', category: 'products' %>


To send events add a line like this with the category and action:

<%= google_analytics_event_tag 'Video', 'play' %>

You can add label, value and other options too if you want:

<%= google_analytics_event_tag 'Video', 'play', 'demo.mp4', 42, category: 'product' %>


This gem is maintained and funded by mmontossi.


It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.