Allure Cucumber Adaptor

Yard Docs

This repository contains Allure adaptor for Cucumber framework.

Cucumber versions

allure-cucumber versions <= 2.13.4 support only cucumber 3 and lower\ allure-cucumber versions >= 2.13.5 only support cucumber 4 and are not backwards compatible with cucumber 3 and lower


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "allure-cucumber"

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

  gem install allure-cucumber

Require in "support/env.rb":

require "allure-cucumber"


Common allure configuration is set via AllureCucumber.configure method. To change it, add the following in features/support/env.rb file:

require "allure-cucumber"

AllureCucumber.configure do |config|
  config.results_directory = "report/allure-results"
  config.clean_results_directory = true
  config.logging_level = Logger::INFO
  config.logger =$stdout, Logger::DEBUG)
  config.environment = "staging"
  config.failure_exception = RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError

  # these are used for creating links to bugs or test cases where {} is replaced with keys of relevant items
  config.link_tms_pattern = "{}"
  config.link_issue_pattern = "{}"

  # additional metadata
  config.environment_properties = {
    custom_attribute: "foo"
  # categories.json
  config.categories ="my_custom_categories.json")

By default, allure-cucumber will analyze your cucumber tags looking for Test Management, Issue Management, and Severity tag as well as custom tags for grouping tests in to epics, features and stories in Behavior tab of report. Links to TMS and ISSUE and test severity will be displayed in the report.

By default these prefixes are used:



  @SEVERITY:trivial @ISSUE:YZZ-100 @TMS:9901 @EPIC:custom-epic
  Scenario: Leave First Name Blank
    When I register an account without a first name
    Then exactly (1) [validation_error] should be visible

You can configure these prefixes as well as tms and issue tracker urls like this:

AllureCucumber.configure do |config|
  config.tms_prefix      = 'HIPTEST--'
  config.issue_prefix    = 'JIRA++'
  config.severity_prefix = 'URGENCY:'
  config.epic_prefix = 'epic:'
  config.feature_prefix = 'feature:'
  config.story_prefix = 'story:'


  @URGENCY:critical @JIRA++YZZ-100 @HIPTEST--9901 @epic:custom-epic
  Scenario: Leave First Name Blank
    When I register an account without a first name
    Then exactly (1) [validation_error] should be visible

Additional special tags exists for setting status detail of test scenarios, allure will pick up following tags: @flaky, @known and @muted

Custom failure exception

Allure report will mark steps and tests as either Failed or Broken based on exception class that was raised. By default, RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError exception will mark test as Failed and all other exceptions will mark test as Broken.

Custom failure exception class can be configured:

AllureCucumber.configure do |config|
  config.failure_exception = MyCustomFailedException


Use --format AllureCucumber::CucumberFormatter --out where/you-want-results while running cucumber or add it to cucumber.yml. Note that cucumber --out option overrides results_directory set via Allure.configure method.

You can also manually attach screenshots and links to test steps and test cases by interacting with allure lifecycle directly. For more info check out allure-ruby-commons

# file: features/support/env.rb

require "allure-cucumber"

Allure.add_attachment(name: "attachment", source: "Some string", type: Allure::ContentType::TXT, test_case: true)
Allure.add_link("Custom Url", "")

It's possible to mark methods so those are included as allure steps: Step annotations

Example project

Cucumber Example