The Algorithmia Ruby Client

The Algorithmia Ruby client is a wrapper for making calls to the Algorithmia API and Data API.

With Algorithmia, you can leverage algorithms written in any language by including them in your Ruby project with a simple API call! Browse the collection of algorithms available on


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'algorithmia'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install algorithmia

Basic Usage

To call to the API, the gem uses a client model. Create and configure a client object with your API key to start making requests.

require algorithmia

# Create a new client instance & set your API key
client = Algorithmia.client('YOUR_API_KEY')

algorithm        = 'demo/Hello/0.1.1'
algorithm_result = client.algo(algorithm).pipe("HAL 9000").result
puts algorithm_result
# => Hello HAL 9000

Algorithm Objects

When you call .algo on your client, it will return a new instance of Algorithmia::Algorithm. On this object, you have the the following methods:

  • pipe: the default method to calling an algorithm (recommended)
  • pipeJson
  • set_options: set query parameters on your request
algorithm = client.algo('demo/Hello/0.1.1')
# => #<Algorithmia::Algorithm:0x007f80ea092fc8 @client=Algorithmia::Client, @endpoint="demo/Hello/0.1.1", @query_options={:timeout=>300, :stdout=>false, :output=>"default"}>

# Pass in a hash of options to override the default query parameters
algorithm.set_options({'timeout': 500})
# => {:timeout=>500, :stdout=>false, :output=>"default"}

# Use these helper methods to enable stdout or change the timeout value
# => 500
# => true
# => #<Algorithmia::Algorithm:0x007fa008b02de0 @client=Algorithmia::Client, @endpoint="demo/hello", @query_options={:timeout=>500, :stdout=>true, :output=>"default"}>

# Pass the input to the algorithm
result = algorithm.pipe('HAL 9000')
# => Hello HAL 9000

Algorithm Responses

When a successful response from the algorithm is returned, a new Algorithmia::Response object is created.

# Call an algorithm
algorithm_response = client.algo(algorithm).pipe("HAL 9000").result
puts algorithm_response
# => #<Algorithmia::Response:0x007f9fc2845850 @json={:result=>0.14970585904042558, :metadata=>{:content_type=>"json", :duration=>0.0006857780000000001}}>

# Get the raw json returned from the API
puts algorithm_response.json
# => {:result=>0.14970585904042558, :metadata=>{:content_type=>"json", :duration=>0.0006857780000000001}}

# Use any one of the following helper methods to understand the response
puts algorithm_response.result
# => 0.14970585904042558
puts algorithm_response.
# => {:content_type=>"json", :duration=>0.0006857780000000001}
puts algorithm_response.duration
# => 0.0006857780000000001
puts algorithm_response.content_type
# => "json"
puts algorithm_response.stdout
# => nil
puts algorithm_response.alerts
# => nil

The Data API

The client also allows you to work with the Algorithmia Data API. You can manage your files and directories using DataObjects. There are two types of DataObjects: DataFile and DataDirectory.


file = client.file('data://test_user/test/sample_file.txt')
 => #<Algorithmia::DataFile:0x007ffbaa8747d8 @client=#<Algorithmia::Client:0x007ffbab0fc798 @api_key="YOUR_API_KEY">, @data_uri="data://test_user/test/sample_file.txt", @url="/data/test_user/test/sample_file.txt">

# => true

# => true

# Write a string to the file. This will overwrite any existing content!
file.put("This is the contents of the file.")
# => true

# Get the file and write to a local file
# => #<File:/var/folders/yl/vv6ws5196cvb61xzwrg8l3vm0000gp/T/test.txt20160328-94761-i8cqxg>

# => "This is the contents of the file."

# => true


# Create a DataDirectory object
dir = client.dir('data://test_user/test')
# => #<Algorithmia::DataDirectory:0x007ffbab0fc748 @client=#<Algorithmia::Client:0x007ffbab0fc798 @api_key="YOUR_API_KEY">, @data_uri="data://test_user/test", @url="/data/test_user/test">

# Create a new directory
# => true

# => true

# Get a new DataDirectory object for the parent directory
# => #<Algorithmia::DataDirectory:0x007ffba924e148 @client=#<Algorithmia::Client:0x007ffbab0fc798 @api_key="YOUR_API_KEY">, @data_uri="data://test_user", @url="/data/test_user">

# Delete the directory
# => true
Working with directories:

You can iterate over all contents in a directory, only the sub-directories, or the files within the directory by using of the the each methods provided. If no block is given to the method, an enumerator will be returned:

# Return an enumerator for all directory contents, each sub-directory, or each file in the directory
#  => #<Enumerator: #<Algorithmia::DataDirectory:0x007ffba89bbcd8 @client=#<Algorithmia::Client:0x007ffbab0fc798 @api_key="YOUR_API_KEY">, @data_uri="data://test_user/test_two", @url="/data/test_user/test_two">:each>

# Iterate all directory contents, each sub-directory, or each file in the directory
dir.each { |item| block }
dir.each_directory { |dir| block }
dir.each_file { |file| block }

Stuck? Need help?

Check out our guides, tutorials, and how-tos in the Algorithmia Developer Center as well as finding more specifics in our API documentation.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Not Yet Implemented:

  • Tests! :scream: