
Gem Version


I use terminal with alias for work everyday. And I realise that to fully control my work flow, I would need to manipulate the shortcuts in real time. Since there is no better way to control the shortcuts, I created my own.

Aka saves me time and allow me to achieve productivity through the creation of quick shortcut.

The Workflow Manager for your Everyday Project

In other words, a delightful way to manage and grow your terminal shortcuts.

aka generate/edit/destroy/find permanent aliases with a single command.

aka requires ruby and is built for bash and zsh users.

Features alias aka
Generate alias
Destroy alias
Find and show alias
Show last few added alias -
Edit alias -
Count alias -
Auto reload dot file -
Show usage -
Persistency -
Add your last command -
Export Alias -
Group your Aliases -
Add Alias to Project -


gem install aka2
aka setup

If you wish to setup aka again:

aka setup --reset

Note: You may need to use sudo aka setup --reset


To generate new alias

aka generate hello="echo helloworld"
aka g hello="echo helloworld"
aka g hello="echo helloworld" --group basic

To destroy existing alias

aka destroy hello
aka d hello

To edit existing alias

aka edit hello

To edit alias name

aka edit hello --name

To find an alias

aka find hello

To list all system aliases

aka list
aka list 20
aka list --number

To export your alias into a proj.aka

aka export group_name

To list project alias

aka proj

To list all commands of aka

aka help

Known issues

  • aka is designed for controlling personal work flow. It is not ready for production server or multi-user environment.

  • a missing .bash_profile file will require it to be created manually (ie touch ~/.bash_profile)




Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ytbryan/aka


Aka is released as an open source project under the license of The MIT License (MIT)


@ytbryan & 📮 Bryan Lim [email protected]