
This is a basic Admin Backend interface.

This support a series of namespaced ( backend with these features:

  • Login for admin
  • Simple cms for pages (handle html xml files)
  • Simple cms for file assets (handles images and swf files)
  • Page caching
  • Protected pages (agnostic, you need to implement your authenticate_content_user methods)
  • Liquid template language

3 steps install

  1. Add this in your Gemfile:

    gem 'adminsite'

  2. Run

    rails generate adminsite:install

  3. There is no 3 You are ready to go!

How does it work.

  1. Start your web server (ex: rails s)
  2. Log in at http://localhost:3000/admin with admin / password
  3. Create a new page with:
    • name: index page
    • url: index.html
    • body: "hello world"
  4. open http://localhost:3000/

CDN Support

use 'fog' with paperclip (,

Protected pages

If you want protected pages you need to add in ApplicationController a authenticate_content_user method:

This method should return false if no user is logged in or true if there is a user logged in

ex. using Devise:

def authenticate_content_user
  unless current_user
    flash[:notice] = "You must be logged in to access this page"
    redirect_to "/"
    return false
  return true

Rake Tasks

The gem adds these task:

rake db:migrate

rake adminsite:create_admin

rake adminsite:seed:assets:clear
rake adminsite:seed:assets:dump
rake adminsite:seed:assets:load
rake adminsite:seed:assets:reload

rake adminsite:seed:page_layouts:clear
rake adminsite:seed:page_layouts:dump
rake adminsite:seed:page_layouts:load
rake adminsite:seed:page_layouts:reload

rake adminsite:seed:pages:clear
rake adminsite:seed:pages:dump
rake adminsite:seed:pages:load
rake adminsite:seed:pages:reload

These tasks are all executed for you by rails g | grep adminsite