A gem which makes notifying your Redmine instance easy ;)

This gem is designed to integrate the Pusher Notification System in Redmine but you may use it for other Rails apps ;)

Code status

  • Gem Version
  • Code Climate


  • Ruby 1.9.x or 2.0.x
  • a working Redmine installation
  • an account on Pusher


gem install acts_as_notifiable_redmine

Example usage

First you need to configure you Pusher account :

ActsAsNotifiableRedmine::Notifications.register_courier :pusher do
  app_id    'xxxxx'
  key       'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
  secret    'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
  encrypted true

Then you need to register your channels and events : each channel can have many events. It may also have an optional target parameter which can be a string or a Proc.

ActsAsNotifiableRedmine::Notifications.register_channel :channel_test do
  target Proc.new { User.current. }
  event  :event1, :sticky => true
  event  :event2, :sticky => false
  event  :event3

ActsAsNotifiableRedmine::Notifications.register_channel :broadcast do
  target 'broadcast'
  event  :event1, :sticky => true
  event  :event2, :sticky => false
  event  :event3

Once done, you can get the registered channels and events with :

ActsAsNotifiableRedmine::Notifications.channels.each do |name, channel|
  puts "#############"
  puts "Channel :"
  puts "name       : #{channel.name}"
  puts "identifier : #{channel.identifier}"
  puts "token      : #{channel.token}"
  puts "events     :"
  channel.events.each do |event|
    puts "  * #{event.name} (sticky : #{event.sticky?})"
  puts ""

To get the Pusher parameters :

courier = ActsAsNotifiableRedmine::Notifications.courier

puts "#############"
puts "Courier :"
puts "name      : #{courier.name}"
puts "app_id    : #{courier.app_id}"
puts "key       : #{courier.key}"
puts "secret    : #{courier.secret}"
puts "encrypted : #{courier.encrypted}"

Finally to send notifications :

ActsAsNotifiableRedmine::Notifications.send_notification([channel.token], event.name, {:title => 'Hello!', :message => 'This is a test message !'})

Note : The logic to determine wether or not to send a notification is let to the developer. You can easily do this with callbacks :

class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
    has_many :watchers
    after_create :send_notification


        def send_notification
            channels = []
            watchers.each do |watcher|
                token = '<channel_name>-' + watcher.login
            ActsAsNotifiableRedmine::Notifications.send_notification(channels, <event_name>, {:title => 'Hello!', :message => 'This is a test message !'})

And to display them (put this in the layout) :

<% if User.current.logged? %>

  <%= javascript_tag do %>

    $(document).ready(function() {
      $.extend($.gritter.options, {
        fade_in_speed: 'fast',
        fade_out_speed: 'fast',
        time: 6000,

      $(function() {
        var pusher = new Pusher('<%= ActsAsNotifiableRedmine::Notifications.courier.key %>');

        <% ActsAsNotifiableRedmine::Notifications.channels.each do |name, channel| %>
          var <%= j channel.identifier %> = pusher.subscribe('<%= channel.token %>');

          <%= channel.identifier %>.bind('subscription_error', function(status) {
              title: 'Pusher : <%= channel.identifier %>',
              text: 'Subscription error'

          <% channel.events.each do |event| %>
            <%= channel.identifier %>.bind('<%= event.name %>', function(data) {
                title: data.title,
                text: data.message,
                image: data.image,
                sticky: <%= event.sticky? %>,

          <% end %>

        <% end %>

  <% end %>
<% end %>

Note : gritter is not bundled with the gem.

Copyrights & License

acts_as_notifiable_redmine is completely free and open source and released under the MIT License.

Copyright (c) 2014 Nicolas Rodriguez ([email protected]), JBox Web (http://www.jbox-web.com) endorse


You can contribute to this plugin in many ways such as :

  • Helping with documentation
  • Contributing code (features or bugfixes)
  • Reporting a bug
  • Submitting translations

You can also donate :)
