
Gem Version CircleCI

An ActiveStorage driver for storing images on Imgur hosting.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'activestorage-imgur'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Quick Start

  1. generate a migration that creates the dependent table:

    # if you never use activestorage, run rails active_storage:install first. 
    rails g active_storage_imgur:install
    rails db:migrate
  2. Set config.active_storage.service to :imgur in any of config/environments/*.rb files.

  3. Set the imgur config in your config/storage.yml:

      service: Imgur
      client_id: <%= ENV['IMGUR_CLIENT_ID'] %>
      client_secret: <%= ENV['IMGUR_CLIENT_SECRET'] %>
      access_token: <%= ENV['IMGUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'] %>
      refresh_token: <%= ENV['IMGUR_REFRESH_TOKEN'] %>

    for environment variables on the above, follow steps:

    1. sign an imgur account:
    2. to create an imgur application visit:
    3. you will get client_id and client_secret after creating an application.
    4. run rails imgur:authorize CLIENT_ID='CLIENT_ID' CLIENT_SECRET='CLIENT_SECRET' to get access_token and refresh_token.
  4. Add attachment to your model just like explanation of activestorage:

    class User
      has_one_attached :avatar
      has_many_attached :photos
    <%= form_for @user do |form| %>
      <% if @user.errors.any? %>
          <% @user.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
            <li><%= msg %></li>
          <% end %>
      <% end %>
      Avatar: <%= form.file_field :avatar %>
      Photo: <%= form.file_field :photos, multiple: true %>
      <%= form.submit %>
    <% end %>
    <%= image_tag user.avatar %>
    <%= image_tag "100x100") %>

    for more detail usage like uploading, image displaying. see official documentationsactivestorage.

Be careful

  1. this gem has built-in validation to validate image file. attachment can be nil, if it presents, it only accept image type. if your app only accept files with image types, it should be fine.
  2. though imgur is free, it still has rate limits, if your application hit the daily limit, uploading function will probably be terminated.


Contribution directions go here.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.