
ActiveRecord Random is a Ruby Gem that empowers your ActiveRecord Models with the ability to return a random record without using SQL RAND().


Developed to be compatible with

  • Rails: v3.0.x
  • Ruby: v1.8.7, v1.9.1 or v1.9.2


You can install ActiveRecord Random straight from Rubygems. Thanks to Bundler you just need to add this to your Gemfile

  gem 'activerecord_random'


Scenario: You have a collection of Questions (model name = Question) and you wish to randomly select one of them.

  Question.random #=> random instance of Question

Alternatively you can use the :random finder:

  Question.find(:random) #=> random instance of Question

That simple


This gem's documentation documentation is available at TODO


Copyright (c) 2010 Gnomeslab, Lda., released under the MIT license. For more information regarding MIT license, please check our MIT license file

Feedback, issues and contributions

If you have an issue with this Gem please create a ticket in our issue tracker.

Feel free to fork this project at any time and submit your changes (along with their respective tests).

Should you just wish to provide feedback or say hi, you can always contact us directly through diogo (dot) almeida (at) gnomeslab (dot) com