ActiveRecord Shipworks

This gem allows you to read Shipworks data via ActiveRecord in a isolated namespace Shipworks.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'activerecord-shipworks'

And then execute:

$ bundle

ActiveRecord Shipworks uses the main database connection by default. However, in most of the cases, you want to connect to Shipworks as a second database connection. You could do that by setting ENV['SHIPWORKS_DATABASE_URL] by using a configuration file called config/shipworks_database.yml.


You may query Shipworks data as any other ActiveRecord class:

# Last 10 orders

Available Models

  • Order
  • OrderItem
  • OrderItemAttribute
  • OrderCharge
  • Note
  • Shipment
  • Store
  • UpsPackage
  • User

ER Diagram

                     +---------+ +---------------+  +-------------------+
                     |         | |               |  |                   |
                     |  Store  | |  AmazonOrder  |  |  AmazonOrderItem  |
                     |         | |               |  |                   |
                     +-------+-+ +-+-------------+  +---+---------------+
                             |     |                    |
                             |     |                    |
                             |     |                    |
                            /|\    |                    |
+---------------+         +--+-----+--+       +---------+---+      +----------------------+
|               |\        |           |      /|             |     /|                      |
|  OrderCharge  +---------+   Order   +-------+  OrderItem  +------+  OrderItemAttribute  |
|               |/        |           |      \|             |     \|                      |
+---------------+         +-+-------+-+       +-------------+      +----------------------+
                            |       |
                            |       |
                            |       |
                           /|\     /|\
    +--------+       +------+-+   +-+----------+         +--------------+
    |        |      /|        |   |            |        /|              |
    |  User  +-------+  Note  |   |  Shipment  +---------+  UpsPackage  |
    |        |      \|        |   |            |        \|              |
    +--------+       +--------+   +------------+         +--------------+


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.