
Build Status Gem Version Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.

SQL & Ruby

Ideal for reports, large queries, separating SQL from code logic, query optimization, command and query responsibility segregation (CQRS)

Ruby is a great language for writing DSLs, but we don't need a new one. SQL is already a mature DSL. (Don't agree? Wait until this extra syntax layer breaks down and you start wrestling with a (raw-sql) function.) ~ Kris Jenkins (yesql)

-- name: find_product
-- example with params 
SELECT * FROM products 
WHERE units_in_stock > :units
AND product_name LIKE ':name';

-- name: insert_category
INSERT INTO categories (category_id, category_name, description) 
VALUES(<%= rand 248...599 %>, 'books', 'ruby books');

ActiveQuery.users_by_country              # return raw sql 
# You use symbols as params        # run query as full-scan 
# async call, stream the results Postgres only
ActiveQuery.async_run(:all_users) {|u| puts u["name"] }


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'activequery'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install activequery


Create template dir inside your app

mkdir -p app/sqltemplates
touch app/sqltemplates/my_query.sql

Add created path to config For Rails users:

activequery rails


ActiveQuery.configure do |config|
  config.template_path = "."
  config.adapter = :postgres
  config.connection = "dbname=rails6pg_development user=dev"


  • [x] Ruby On Rails easy integration
  • [x] PostgreSQL Adapter
  • [x] Ruby erb inside sql template files
  • [x] Async/Stream results (ideal for realtime reporting/analytics)
  • [x] Named parameters
  • [ ] ?-style positional parameters
  • [ ] class: MyClass param to create or extend ruby class with
  • [ ] Import/Export to Materialized Views
  • [ ] Retrieving SQL templates from custom stores (Redis, Riak)
  • [ ] Add connection pooling. (If you use this with Rails ActiveRecord has its own connection pool)
  • [ ] Add Actors/Workers
  • [ ] MySQL and SQLite providers
  • [ ] Generate CRUD

Dev Notes:

# create demo database (sudo su postgres)
rake db:create
rake db:import
rake db:drop

# tests 
rake test:unit
rake test:integration
rake test:system
rake test:bench


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.