Tiny improvements to the default theme of ActiveAdmin
What it does
It’s a collection of CSS files with rules that make small improvements to the default theme, like increasing font size in textareas.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "activeadmin_tiny_improvements"
Import our Sass file “activeadmin-tiny-improvements” in your CSS entrypoint that compiles ActiveAdmin CSS files:
// app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.sass
// Your regular ActiveAdmin files
@import "active_admin/mixins"
@import "active_admin/base"
@import ...
// This gem’s files
@import "activeadmin-tiny-improvements"
ActiveAdmin version compatibility
The current version of ActiveAdmin is 2.13.1. Our styles are and will be targeted on the latest version.
How to cut a new version
(A note to myself)
gem build --verbose --debug $(ls | grep .gemspec)
mv $(ls | grep .gem$) pkg/$(ls | grep .gem$)
gem push pkg/$(ls pkg | tail -n 1)