Active Admin Axlsx: Office Open XML Spreadsheet Export for Active Admin

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Google Group:!forum/axlsx

Author: Randy Morgan

Copyright: 2012

License: MIT License

Latest Version: 1.0.0

Ruby Version: 1.9.2, 1.9.3

JRuby Version: 1.9 mode

Rubinius Version: rubinius 2.0.0dev * lower versions may run, this gem always tests against head.

Release Date: TBA


This gem provides automatic OOXML (xlsx) downloads for Active Admin resources. It lets you harness the full power of Axlsx when you want to but for the most part just stays out of your way and adds a link next to the csv download for xlsx (Excel/numbers/Libre Office/Google Docs)

git ls-files -- test,spec,features/*

Screen 1

Usage example: Simple add the following to your gemfile and you are good to go. All resource index views will now include a link for download directly to xlsx.

gem 'activeadmin-axlsx'

Cool Toys

Here are a few quick examples of things you can easily tweak. Axlsx supports A LOT of the specification so if you are looking to do something adventurous please ping me on irc. (freenode#axlsx)

localize column headers

ActiveAdmin.register Posts do
  config.xlsx_builder.i18n_scope [:active_record, :models, :posts]

Use blocks for adding computed fields

ActiveAdmin.register Posts do
  config.xlsx_builder.column('author_name') do |resource| 

Change the column header style

ActiveAdmin.register Posts do
  config.xlsx_builder.header_style = { :bg_color => 'FF0000',
                                       :fg_color => 'FF' }


Running specs for this gem requires that you construct a rails application. To execute the specs, navigate to the gem directory, run bundle install and run these to rake tasks:

bundle exec rake setup
bundle exec rake

Copyright and License

activeadmin-axlsx © 2012 by Randy Morgan.

activeadmin-axlsx is licensed under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE document for more information.