Active Job Reporter

Monitoring and reporting for ActiveJob.

Gem Travis Codecov


  • Minimalistic approach to ActiveJob monitoring, database based to avoid additional dependencies.
  • Filter jobs by status (enqueued, running or finished), user, resource or result (ok, error or custom).
  • Messages log by job.
  • Automatic basic exception handling during errors.
  • Allows to override built-in Job model.


  1. Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'active_job_reporter'
  1. Update bundle
$ bundle
  1. Run installer

Add jobs, job_objects and job_messages tables to your database and an initializer file for configuration:

$ bundle exec rails generate active_job_reporter:install
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate


  1. Add ReportableJob concern to your jobs. You can add to ApplicationJob to avoid adding to every job. Jobs will be tracked automatically.
include ActiveJobReporter::ReportableJob
  1. Define current_user method in your jobs to relate them to users. Use arguments variable to retrieve perform call arguments. Using keyword arguments with the same name would allow you to define at ApplicationJob.
def current_user
  arguments.first&.fetch(:admin_user, nil)
  1. Define related_objects method in your jobs to relate them to other application records.
def related_objects
    arguments.first&.fetch(:order, nil), 
    *arguments.first&.fetch(:items, [])
  1. Add log messages and result code inside your jobs perform methods. log method allows to specify type of message and complex messages (stored as JSON in database). Use self.result to store the result of the job (won't be saved until the end of the process). If not specified, result will be :ok or :error, when the perform method raises an exception.
  def perform(**params)
    if has_issues?
      log :issues, raw: "raw test message"
      self.result = :issues

    if params[:raise]
      a = 1 / 0

    log :user, key: "test.user_message.#{result}", params: { user_id: 1, number: 12 }
  1. Application models related to jobs can use the HasJobs concern to simplify access to them.
class Resource < ApplicationRecord
  include ActiveJobReporter::HasJobs

Then, access to jobs can be made from jobs association method.

2.4.1 :001 >
 => 1
2.4.1 :002 >
 => 0
  1. If an application Job model is needed (to extend it or avoid using a qualified name), it can be defined using the JobConcern concern and specifying the class name in the initializer file.
# in app/models/job.rb
class Job < ActiveRecord::Base
  include ActiveJobReporter::JobConcern

# in config/initializers/active_job_reporter.rb
ActiveJobReporter.configure do |config|

  # The class name for jobs
  config.job_class_name = "Job"




  • Fixes to JobConcern.
  • Tests fixes.


  • Fixed deprecated use of class instead of class name in belongs_to.


  • First version.


Issues and PRs are welcomed.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.