Class: ActiveFedora::Base

  • Object
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Extended by:
Querying, ActiveModel::Naming, ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker
Associations, Attributes, AutosaveAssociation, Callbacks, Core, Datastreams, FedoraAttributes, Indexing, NestedAttributes, Persistence, Rdf::Identifiable, Reflection, ReloadOnSave, Scoping, SemanticNode, Serialization, Sharding, Validations, ActiveModel::Conversion, Loggable
Defined in:


This class ties together many of the lower-level modules, and implements something akin to an ActiveRecord-alike interface to fedora. If you want to represent a fedora object in the ruby space, this is the class you want to extend.

The Basics

class Oralhistory < ActiveFedora::Base
   "properties", type: ActiveFedora::SimpleDatastream do |m|
    m.field "narrator",  :string
    m.field "narrator",  :text

The above example creates a Fedora object with a metadata datastream named “properties”, which is composed of a narrator and bio field.

Datastreams defined with has_metadata are accessed via the datastreams member hash.

Direct Known Subclasses


Constant Summary

Constants included from AutosaveAssociation


Constants included from Callbacks


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes included from ReloadOnSave


Attributes included from Core


Attributes included from Associations


Attributes included from SemanticNode

#load_from_solr, #relationships_loaded, #subject

Method Summary

Methods included from Querying

default_sort_params, extended, quote_for_solr

Methods included from Rdf::Identifiable


Methods included from ReloadOnSave

#refresh, #reload_on_save?

Methods included from FedoraAttributes

#create_date, #id, #label, #modified_date, #owner_id, #owner_id=, #pid, #state

Methods included from Core

#==, #adapt_to, #adapt_to_cmodel, #clone, #clone_into, #freeze, #frozen?, #init_with, #initialize, #pretty_pid, #reify, #reify!, #reload

Methods included from Serialization


Methods included from Attributes

#[], #[]=, #attributes, #attributes=, #inspect, #mark_as_changed, #value_has_changed?

Methods included from NestedAttributes


Methods included from AutosaveAssociation

#changed_for_autosave?, #mark_for_destruction, #marked_for_destruction?, #reload

Methods included from Associations

#association, #clear_association_cache

Methods included from Datastreams

#add_datastream, #add_disseminator_location_to_datastreams, #add_file_datastream, #configure_datastream, #create_datastream, #datastream_from_spec, #datastreams, #ds_specs, #load_datastreams, #metadata_streams, #rels_ext, #serialize_datastreams

Methods included from Callbacks


Methods included from Validations

#required?, #save, #save!, #valid?

Methods included from Indexing

#solr_name, #solrize_profile, #solrize_relationships, #to_solr, #update_index

Methods included from Persistence

#assert_content_model, #delete, #destroy, #destroyed?, #new?, #new_object?, #new_record?, #persisted?, #refresh, #save, #save!, #update

Methods included from SemanticNode

#add_relationship, #assert_kind_of, #clear_relationship, #clear_relationships, #conforms_to?, #ids_for_outbound, #internal_uri, #load_relationships, #object_relations, #relationships, #relationships=, #relationships_are_dirty?, #relationships_are_not_dirty!, #remove_relationship