Action Pusher

ActionPusher is an ActionMailer inspired gem to make sending push notifications from Rails as easy as sending emails.

To use, require the gem inside your Gemfile:

gem 'actionpusher', require: 'action_pusher'

Make sure your .pem files are under config/certificates. Then create a config/certificates.yml file and a setup for each environment. Here's an example with a development and production configuration:

  name: 'push-notification-development.pem'

  name: 'push-notification-production.pem'

Then you can define a push sender. We define our pushers inside of app/pushers like so:

# app/pushers/my_pusher.rb

class MyPusher < ActionPusher::Base
  def send_a_push_notification
    push(tokens: ['an', 'array', 'of', 'device', 'tokens'],
      message: 'message being sent',
      data: 'extra data sent with the push notification')

Your push notifications can then be called like a standard Rails mailer:


In the event that you're using Delayed::Job for your background processing, you can work with it in the same way that ActionMailer would:



  • Implement interceptor pattern
  • YAML based configuration for pem files
  • Get working with DelayedJob: MyPusher.delay.send_a_push_notification

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