Action Interceptor

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Action Interceptor is a Rails engine that makes it easy to have controllers intercept actions from other controllers, have users perform a task and then return them to where they were when the interception happened.

This can be used, for example, for registration, authentication, signing terms of use, etc.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'action_interceptor'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Afterwards, run the following rake task to add Action Interceptor's initializer to your application:

$ rake action_interceptor:install

In case Action Interceptor is completely unable to determine which page a user came from (should rarely happen if properly configured), it will send the user to your application or gem's root (the '/' path).


Interceptors are blocks of code that are declared in Action Interceptor's initializer. They execute in the context of your controllers and work very much like before_filters.

For example, the following interceptor could be used to ensure that users have filled out a registration form:

interceptor :registration do

  return if current_user.try(:is_registered?)

  respond_to do |format|
    format.html { redirect_to register_path }
    format.json { head(:forbidden) }


What makes interceptors different from before_filters is that they will save the user's current url before redirecting. This is done through signed url params by default, falling back to session variables if those params are absent or invalid.

Once declared, you can use an interceptor in any controller. For example, you might want to ensure that all logged in users have to complete a form before using your site. In that case, you could add the following to your ApplicationController:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

  interceptor :registration


The controllers your interceptors redirect to should call the acts_as_interceptor method:

class RegistrationsController < ApplicationController


  skip_interceptor :registration, only: [:new, :create]


As shown above, interceptions work like before_filters and can be skipped using the skip_interceptor method.

Just by including the gem in your app, the following convenience methods will also be added to all controllers as helper methods, so they will also be available in views: current_page?(url), current_url, current_url_hash, with_interceptor(&block) and without_interceptor(&block).

  • with_interceptor(&block) executes the given block:
    • Adding the intercepted URL param to all links and redirects
    • As if it was declared in the context of self
  • without_interceptor(&block) executes the given block:

    • With the default URL params for all links and redirects
    • As if it was declared in the context of self
  • current_url_hash returns a hash containing the intercepted_url_key and the current_url, signed and encrypted.

  • And the following methods, backported from Rails 4:

    • current_url returns the current url.
    • current_page?(url) returns true iif the given url is the current_url.

When called, the acts_as_interceptor method will ensure the following:

  • The url_options method for that controller will be overriden, causing all links and redirects for the controller and associated views to include the signed return url. This behavior can be skipped by passing :override_url_options => false to the acts_as_interceptor call, like so: acts_as_interceptor :override_url_options => false. In that case, you are responsible for wrapping any internal links and redirects in with_interceptor blocks.

  • The following convenience methods will be added to the controller: redirect_back(options = {}), intercepted_url, intercepted_url= and intercepted_url_hash. These methods have the following behavior:

    • redirect_back(options = {}) redirects the user back to where the interception occurred, passing the given options to the redirect method.
    • intercepted_url returns the intercepted url. Can be used in views to make links that redirect the user back to where the interception happened.
    • intercepted_url= can be used to overwrite the intercepted url, if needed.
    • intercepted_url_hash returns a hash containing the interceptor_url_key and the signed intercepted_url.

When users complete the given task, use the following method to redirect them back to where the interception occurred:


Alternatively, you can use intercepted_url in views:

<%= link_to 'Back', intercepted_url %>


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Write specs for your feature
  4. Implement your new feature
  5. Test your feature (rake)
  6. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  7. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  8. Create new Pull Request

Development Environment Setup

  1. Use bundler to install all dependencies:
  $ bundle install
  1. Load the schema:
  $ rake db:schema:load

Or if the above fails:

  $ bundle exec rake db:schema:load


To run all existing tests for Action Interceptor, simply execute the following from the main folder:

$ rake

Or if the above fails:

$ bundle exec rake


This gem is distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See the MIT-LICENSE file for details.