Ackr Build Status

Ackr is a very small subset of grep/ack/rak, for lazy developers.


Grep is a great tool. A very powerful tool. But most of the time, it is too powerful for my needs. I can never remember its syntax nor its options.

Ack is great and powerful too. But here again it has so many options.

As a developer I have really simple needs. As a lazy developer I want the most possible simple tool.

Here comes ackr:

  • Ackr look for a search term into all text files, into all subfolders, from the working directory
  • A search term is either a string (in this case Ackr is case insensitive) or a regexp
  • Ackr has no options
  • Ackr doesn't look into hidden folders/files
  • Search term is displayed in bold font

It runs on linux. It maybe runs on mac os. I guess it won't run on windows.

And one more thing: ackr is not a replacement to grep/ack. If you need grep power, just use grep!


gem install ackr


To look for a string (case insensitive):

$ ackr fixme
   8|   # FIXME Separate behaviours: search / print

  21| $ackr fixme

Using a regexp (same search as above):

$ ackr /fixme/i

More to come

Next version may include

  • fuzzy search
  • configuration


  • ruby >= 1.9.2


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

There is many other ways to contibute to ackr

  1. Reports any bug
  2. Give me ideas
  3. Correct my poor english syntax
  4. Blog about ackr
  5. Tell ackr to your friends or colleagues



Questions and/or Comments

Feel free to email Xavier Nayrac with any questions.