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Cellular automata framework for ruby



Again, intentionally abstract, so there's not much output you can derive directly from interacting with it. It might go something like this:

require 'abstracta'
world = Abstracta::World.new   # creates a sim space 
100.times { world.step }       # iterates/grows organisms

In any particular case you'll want to extend from these classes and build on top of them. A concrete example from the Biosphere game (probably the place to go right now for something to look at around this/inspiration):

class Cell < Abstracta::Occupant
  def coordinates(cell_size=1)
    x, y = cell.x * self.cell_size, cell.y * self.cell_size
    x1, y1 = x + self.cell_size, y + self.cell_size
    [[x,y], [x1,y], [x, y1], [x1,y1]]

  def render(window, color=Gosu::Color::WHITE)
    coords = coordinates(window.cell_size)
    quad_args = coords.map{|c| c + [color] }


Everything gosu needs, which is really not all that bad. But it's not exactly portable, or easy stand up a dev environment through a simple provisioning script (though maybe a little focused effort there could help containerize it.)


$ gem install biosphere


$ biosphere

Copyright (c) 2014 Joseph Weissman

See LICENSE for details. Abstracta

Cellular automata game :)

The idea is to have a game server where different players' organisms could interact...


You will need to

brew install sdl2 libogg libvorbis

for Gosu's dependencies. Then bundle and rake to play.

Ideally we'll get vagrant setup to build a dev environment for us...

(Eventually we'll want to containerize the server application too, although that can be headless... A containerized dev environment makes sense eventually too once that is reified a bit further. Something like boxen may not be the worst thing to think about eventually there too.)