
Aboie is a Framework for Facebook Messanger bots built with Ruby.

  • Parses incomming message json into the commonly required parts (Sender) and (Message)
  • Easily send text message responses via the Facebook Messanger API (Destination) & (Message)
  • Support for Rich Media messages. (TODO)

Why Aboie

Aboie is a french command when training dogs that means Speak or Bark.

Getting Started:

This assumes you have read the facebook docs https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform, and have created an api key.



gem 'aboie



Create an initializer with the following

     Aboie.configure do |config|
       config.api_key = "messanger_api_key"

Parsing webhooks

Follow the instructions to setup an inbound webhook for the Messanger Api. Aboie can help you parse through the large object and make sense of it.

module Webhooks
  class FacebooksController < ActionController::Base
    include Webhooks::Facebook::Verifiable

    def create
      messages = Aboie.parse_payload(params)
      message = messages.first
      query = message[:text]
      response = Chat::Brain.ask(query)
      Aboie.send_text(message[:sender], response)
      render nothing: true, status: :ok


Aboie.parse_payload(params) will parse the array of potential messages, into a simple array containing a hash with {text: "Message", sender: "SenderId"} this data can be used to formulate a response and respond to the proper sender id, using Aboie's easy message sending capabilities via Aboie.send_text which takes a (sender_id, message) as outlined in the example.

Questions? Issues?

For issues, please submit a Github issue with steps on how to reproduce the problem.


Contributions are welcome. Tests are encouraged.

To run tests / ensure your changes have not caused any regressions:
