Case Collection Observer v. 0.1.0

Simple notifier for object in HM and HABTM associations in AR…


  • Installation

sudo gem install case_collection_observer –source

  • Generator:

script/console case_observer OBSERVER_NAME MODELS_TO_OBSERVE [options] # options: –skip-test => Skip all tests for observer Rails example:

  • Simple construction with “has_many” association

# “Post” and “Comment” models class Post < ActiveRecord::Base has_many_with_observer :comments end class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :post end # simple “Blog” observer for “Post” model class BlogObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer observe :post def before_save_comments(comment) end def after_save_comments(comment) end def before_destroy_comments(comment) end def after_destroy_comments(comment) end end

  • Simple construction with “has_many :through” association

# “Post”, “Category” and “Categorization” models class Post < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :categorization has_many_with_observer :categories, :through => :categorization end class Category < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :categorization has_many_with_observer :posts, :through => :categorization end class Categorization < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :post belongs_to :category end # simple “Blog” observer for “Post” and “Category” models class BlogObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer observe :post, :category def before_save_posts(post) end def after_save_posts(post) end def before_destroy_posts(post) end def after_destroy_posts(post) end def before_save_categories(category) end def after_save_categories(category) end def before_destroy_categories(category) end def after_destroy_categories(category) end end

  • Simple construction with “has_and_belongs_to_many” association

# “Post”, “Category” models and “categories_posts” table class Post < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many_with_observer :categories end class Category < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many_with_observer :posts end # simple “Blog” observer for “Post” and “Category” models class BlogObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer observe :post, :category def before_save_posts(post) end def after_save_posts(post) end def before_destroy_posts(post) end def after_destroy_posts(post) end def before_save_categories(category) end def after_save_categories(category) end def before_destroy_categories(category) end def after_destroy_categories(category) end end Copyright © 2009 Szymon Czarnecki