
Ruboid is a ruby implementation of Craig Reynolds’ Boid alogrithm (, which realistically simulates the behaviour of a flock of creatures with a small set of simple rules. See Conrad Parker’s page at for a more detailed explanation of how the simulation is performed.


Basic operations

Currently, the library implements the 3 rules descibed by Reynolds. You could create a Flock and give it a few boids like this: flock = 1.upto(10) do |i|

		flock <<[rand(300),rand(300)]),

end Here I created a flock composed of 10 boids with a random starting position and an initial velocity between -5 and 5. The velocity can be understood as the distance the boid moves per time step.

To move the flock, you must call the method update_and_move on the flock: 1.upto(100) do |i|


end The flock has just moved of 100 steps. You should perform some actions (like drawing the flock) between each update.

More operations

On top of these basic rules, some addition ones have been implemented:

  • scatter: Scatters the flock, not as a reaction to a particular obstacle, but for example, as a reaction to a loud noise. It will break the cohesion. To reverse it, you should use regroup.

  • go_to: Gives a goal to reach to the boids. Boids will have a tendency to go in the direction of this goal. Use forget_goal to reverse it.

  • bound: Encourages the boids to stay in a certain area (for example the drawing area). Use move_freely to reverse it.

  • rebel: Adds an element of chance to the movement of boids. Use calm_down to reverse it.


I have included 2 examples in the distribution. One is stand-alone, the other necessitates RMagick and draws an animated GIF.

Vector class

To ease the computations, I have created a Vector class, which can be of any dimension. All the positions and velocities of the boids are in this format. You can create a vector from an array of value like this: v = And access it like that : v v.each …


To install the latest version, just type :

gem install Ruboid


Ruboid is released under the MIT license.


Any questions, enhancement proposals, bug notifications or corrections can be sent to [email protected].